Saturday, November 18, 2017

Big and Shiny!

I realize I haven't been writing on the blog as much - we haven't really had any big updates, so I usually make a post with a picture or two on Facebook and end up neglecting the blog due to time constraints. 

One big piece of news that I want to share is that we are so grateful to the over 1400 people have been inspired to join the bone marrow registry because of Henley. That fills our heart with so much joy because we there are others that are waiting for their perfect match and we're hopeful t
heir wait will be no longer. We have encouraged people who are outside the age range to share the link with younger people they know who might be able to join. SO don't be discouraged - EVERYONE can help. We'd also like to encourage people to donate blood, because there are three people who donated and because of them - they saved Henley's life when she needed her blood transfusions.

Everyday is bright and sunny with this little peanut. ðŸŒž On November 27 & 28 we will return to University of MN Masonic Children's Hospital to meet with several of her providers, including Bone Marrow Transplant. We have gotten lots of questions about whether a match has been identified for Henley and we're hoping to learn more during that appointment.

Milestones... Henley is moving around like crazy! She can get herself into the sit position from lying on her back and she babbles like crazy.