Friday, July 21, 2017

Day 4 - Transfusion Day

Day 4 - #happyhenley update: I’ve been trying to type up an update- but Henley has REALLY wanted her mama holding and rocking her today. So I am going to keep this quick. For the most part today has been a really good day. We are extremely thankful for the PICC line that was placed this morning. This gave us critical access and allowed us the ability to give her a blood transfusion, as her hemoglobin has now dropped to 5.5. She has had so much happen to her tiny body that she seems more uncomfortable today than any other day. The biopsy did come back and is negative for leukemia, which we thank God for. However, we still don’t know why her bone marrow is not functioning. She remains severely vulnerable due to her lack of white blood cells, because of this it is far too risky to have visitors. 
When we have news to share we will do our best to get that news to YOU! We know our journey would be so much more difficult if we didn’t have a great support system of people like you and most importantly our faith in God. We believe that we are witnessing a miracle in Henley. She is truly defying the odds right now because God is on her side. God would not quiet his voice in my ear or my mother’s intuition. He led us to Bismarck and the care she desperately needed. She will be healed and when she is, the Lord will have to help us again because this kid is about as tough and stubborn as they come!!
PS- she has continued to nurse and refuse a bottle THROUGHOUT this ordeal AND she felt so good after her PICC line procedure that she pulled out her feeding tub! lol