Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Waiting for Diagnosis

Henley was discharged Friday night with the condition that we remain in the area for outpatient care while we wait for a diagnosis. Fortunately, Kyle and I both have family in the twin cities area and we decided to "move in" to cousin Nathan's house while we wait. 

What we do know about Henley's condition is that it can be described as both pancyntopenia and neutropenia. One description I found online describes pancytopenia like this: "Pancytopenia occurs when a person has a decrease in all three blood cell types. This happens when something is wrong with the bone marrow, where blood cells are formed."  Neutropenia is described on the Mayo Clinic website as "an abnormally low level of neutrophils. Neutrophils are a common type of white blood cell important to fighting off infections — particularly those caused by bacteria." The puzzle is trying to figure out exactly what is causing these problems in her body and then deciding how to treat it. It is difficult to wait for those answers, but we understand the testing process takes time, therefore we will patiently wait. 

Saturday morning Kyle got up early and drove to Fargo to get the girls so I could spend some time with them over the weekend. 

Monday morning Henley had a check up with her doctors. They did blood work and saw a slight increase in her hemoglobin, but otherwise things remain mostly unchanged. Her next appointment will be on Thursday. 

Henley has received some really nice cards in the mail. There is something very special about getting "snail mail." It really brightened our day to open the mailbox and see the bright colored envelops. 

Kyle headed back west on Tuesday morning with the twins and Henley and I are just settling into a new normal for now. I'm doing my best to get caught up on responding to messages, texts and phone calls - but it really is tough with a baby that insists on being held ALL the time. So please hang in there with me as I try to catch up with each of you individually and get THANK YOU notes in the mail! (The only way I am able to type this at the moment is because she sleeping on my chest.)